Nobel Energy


Global Energy Solutions LLC became a “Transparent Tax Partner”

Global Energy Solutions LLC became a “Transparent Tax Partner”



“透明纳税伙伴”实践是纳税人与税务机关之间建立和进一步增加互信和透明度的一种全新方式, 营造良好营商环境,提高国内自愿合规水平.  

The system serves to work with disciplined taxpayers first. 这一制度的好处包括缩短对纳税人要求的回应时间, cooperation with taxpayer to remove any inconsistencies in declarations, provision of targeted services, etc. 对纳税人表现出一种特殊的态度,是国际上广为流传的商业惯例, which honors their tax obligations in a timely manner.  

纳税人应符合若干标准,以获得“透明税务合作伙伴”的地位. 纳税义务人应当首先申报纳税,足额、及时缴纳税款, properly state the employee numbers and their salaries, possess secure e-signature, 使他们的会计符合国际和当地的会计准则. 纳税人不得与有风险的纳税人进行交易,也不得是最近3年内受到经济刑事起诉的纳税人.  

全球能源解决方案有限责任公司是诺贝尔石油服务公司的油田运营和设备维护部门,一直为石油公司提供服务 & Gas, Power & Water industries in Azerbaijan since 2012. The services include asset integrity management, operational assurance services, valve, pumps, HVAC maintenance & repair, etc.